Can't seem to run a macro from the command line


I am trying to run this from the command line:

"D:\Program Files\LibreOffice\App\libreoffice\program\soffice"  --nofirststartwizard  --norestore water_level.odb ""

The macro is definitely not running.

I even tried this:

"D:\Program Files\LibreOffice\LibreOfficePortable.exe"  --nofirststartwizard  --norestore water_level.odb "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main"

The macro is embedded in the odb file. Thank you as usual for any and all assistance.

The location=document and your “The macro is embedded in the odb file” suggest that the following is not correct:

The macro URI should be macro://./Standard.Module1.Main. See bug 104441 comment 4.
But anyway, it’s tdf#127214.

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thank you. i will check.