Can't undo double columns

suddenly writer opens all documents in 2 columns, although in ‘format’ ‘1 column’ is chosen. Whatever I try, it does not go back to one column ( page-wide text). I deleted and reinstalled Libre Office, but the problem persists.

Could it be that your “default style” has changed to two columns? When you open Libre Office see the thin bar at the bottom and click on “default style”. You could change the default style there. Hope this helps. Am not really an expert.

What you suppose to be 2-column format may be a simple display issue.

Look at the right edge of the bottom status bar. There is a group of mode icons at left of the zoom slider:
Zoom slider

The icons are from left to right single-page, multiple pages, book. Click on single-page to revert to single-page mode.

(You probably enabled one of the multiple view mode when clicking on the zoom slider - button.)

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That solved it. Thanks a bunch!

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