Can't Uninstall or Update - Missing file error

I keep getting an error when I try to update or uninstall my current copy of Libre Office getting the same error about needing this file…
The pop-up refers a folder that doesn’t exist and I haven’t found the file in my system anywhere.

I am running Windows 11 64 bit on a custom built AMD Ryzen 5600 system with 32 GB of RAM.
Current install version is LibreOffice_24.2.5_Win_x86-64

Wich one? You are familiar with hidden folders?
But the name hints this was maybe a temporary copy, because it is not the typical download from

To see hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer, click View > Show > Hidden items OR click the ellipsis and select Options. In the View tab tick the radio button Show hidden files, folders and drives

Download the install file for your current version, LibreOffice_24.2.5_Win_x86-64, and save it in the same place as it was when you installed you current version. If you can’t remember the previous location, it doesn’t matter, just point to where it is now when you are asked. The uninstaller needs the existing install file to uninstall before upgrading or uninstalling.

Run the installer for the new version and if asked for a missing file point to the older 24.2.5 msi

I am familiar with hidden folders and included them in my search, but the file it is searching for was in a subfolder of a 3rd party auto updater, which I had uninstalled, removing those folders and their contents, a few days prior to my original attempt to update.
I also suspect part of the problem may be related to the fact I have a registry cleaner installed which was running prior to the update.

But thanks to your suggestions mixed with a little research of my own, I did some tinkering with the registry and pulled a copy of the old version from the Archive, I was able to install the new version.

If anyone else runs into this problem, my solution was to find the exact reference within the registry (using the FIND function in RegEdit) and change the registry line with the file name back to the default download filename.
I then placed a copy of the old version download file into an empty folder I could easily find.
When prompted by the install wizard, I used Browse to redirect it to the folder I put the old version copy into.
It then was able to proceed with no major hiccups.

In this case I’d say: No, not related.

Wich file is best fitted to remove an install: The same installer, if it has a remove option.
As the older installers are available in the archive at use above suggestion by @EarnestAl

I would reinstall Windows. This seems to be useful from time to time. (Ok - it is not really work-around, but tear-down and restart)
You can keep the situation and move to use a parallel install or portable installations.
Risky version: Remove LibreOffice yourself by deleting the folder and use your registey cleaner to wipe the traces. I have read revo-uninstaller to be used for this, but never needed to do. Then install new.
I recommend backups, especially for your user-profile!
You used now the reverse variant of the suggestion by @EarnestAl by replacing the name of the installer in registry instead of renaming the file and recreating the location.

FAQ - General Installation Issues (Windows)