I am familiar with hidden folders and included them in my search, but the file it is searching for was in a subfolder of a 3rd party auto updater, which I had uninstalled, removing those folders and their contents, a few days prior to my original attempt to update.
I also suspect part of the problem may be related to the fact I have a registry cleaner installed which was running prior to the update.
But thanks to your suggestions mixed with a little research of my own, I did some tinkering with the registry and pulled a copy of the old version from the Archive, I was able to install the new version.
If anyone else runs into this problem, my solution was to find the exact reference within the registry (using the FIND function in RegEdit) and change the registry line with the file name back to the default download filename.
I then placed a copy of the old version download file into an empty folder I could easily find.
When prompted by the install wizard, I used Browse to redirect it to the folder I put the old version copy into.
It then was able to proceed with no major hiccups.