Can't upgrade/uninstall LO

I’m running LO, trying to install 7.4.5. Every time I try to upgrade or uninstall/reinstall, I get the error message:

The path C:\users\xxx\downloads\LibreOffice_7.4.0_Win_x64.msi cannot be found. Verify that you have access to this location and try again, or try to find the installation package … in a folder from which you can install the product LibreOffice

Note that 7.4.0 is the version referred to in the error message, not the version I’m running or the version I’m trying to install.

Yes, I did attempt to install 7.4.0 some time ago, but it crashed.

Now I’m stuck. I can’t upgrade, and I can’t uninstall/reinstall.
Can anyone tell me what to do here?

I’m using LO on Windows 10/64 bit up to date.


You can download older versions from the same page as the current downloads. Check the link in the word “archive” at the bottom of the page. Download the needed msi-file and place it in the named place.
This may work or not, but it ist easier as cleaning the system yourself…

No luck. I got the appropriate MSI, put it in a folder, pointed it to the uninstaller, then got the same message.
I’m also getting the message,
The resource you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. (It’s not!)
Then it cancels and closes.
Any other ideas?

Did you follow the link I gave? Did you "You may need to rename the downloaded MSI to exclude the last digit to match the filename requested. "?

EarnestAI, I didn’t see the bit about renaming the MSI, sorry. I did get the exact file ref’ed in the error message though, so I don’t know what I could’ve done differently.

I wound up doing a manual uninstall, then ran Revo through it to pick up any references. I’ve got LO 7.4.5 going now, no problems.
Thanks for the help.

You need to uninstall the partially installed 7.4.0 and for that the original installer is needed. See If previous version installer is requested