Capitalize first letter of every sentence not working

Ive tried fresh installs of LO 7 and 6 on my mac. I can’t get auto-correct to apply capitilazation to the first words of sentences. I’ve read dozens of forum answers on this.

It works while typing, but not afterward, to clean up text. It works for tons of other things, but not this. It works sometimes. Like if I start a new document, sometimes it will work. Any ideas?

I just got it to work once, pasted the sentence, a second time, and now it won’t work. I’m only allowed to paste one image as a new user…

Here’s a video of the problem Libre auto caps

I have not installed any extensions

Thanks you for your response. Are you referring to deleting the user profile? I had already tried that before posting.

Remark 1: this is no solution to your problems and should have done provided by editing your question. So, please, do it then delete this “non-answer”. By keeping it, other contributors may considered the problem solved and won’t bother to look at it. You incur the risk of not having further answers.

Remark 2: What is English Sentence Checking? Have you installed an extension? If so, this might conflict with built-in AutoCorrect and prevent sentence casing from working.

Sorry about that, as a new user here it wouldnt let me post multiple images.

I did not install any extensions.

Autocorrect > Apply works when the style is “Default Style” but not when it’s “Text Body”. And it likes to become “Text Body” on its own. For example, applying autocorrect changes it to “Text Body”… I still haven’t figured it out though.

Because Text Body is supposed to be the standard style for the discourse/argumentation. Paragraph Default Style is kind-of a “meta-style” used to defined defaults for all other styles so that you can quickly modify the appearance of your document in one location (this works of course if the chaged attribute has not been overridden in dependent styles). Therefore, many built-in styles like Heading n are configured to switch to Text Body when you hit Enter.

But this doesn’t explain why AutoCorrect doesn’t work on all paragraphs.

Check menu Tools - Extension Manager….

Edit: I don’t see the same as you in Windows (don’t checked in Linux).

I assumed these were pre-packaged, as I have used mac App Cleaner to uninstall the app and reinstall it from the website twice now.

I assumed this is a result of MacOS specific packaging. Linux release comes without (English) grammar checker, even after installing the en language variants. But there seems to be also a grammar checker by default under Windows.
What I find strange (compared to Linux habits) is that the dictionaries are extensions while they are packages under other OS’s. It may be MacOS specific.

Just confirming, I clicked “bundled with LO” and they all disappeared