Centering page in write

I’d like to center a page. After searching for an hour, I’m just going to ask for help.

I am page oriented person. I’m trying to center lines (table) vertically on a page to fit inside an image that is a pretty floral border. I made the image with a transparent backgound.

Just trying to make pretty lined paper.

I managed to make the margins .20 and get the image in. Made the table less wide (7") by pulling the table sides.

Reopen your question (click on below it, then on the “pencil” icon) to provide minimal technical information: OS name, LO version and save format. Explain more precisely what your want to achieve: centering a paragraph both vertically and horizontally?

Problem: Writer is text flow oriented. Pages don’t exist per se, i.e. manageable entities (paragraphs, words) have no idea of their vertical position because this is a flow and pages are dynamically allocated.

Explain if you design a page-oriented document like a newspaper, a flyer, … or if you only want to “center” the title on the cover page of a book.