Change decimal from comma (,) to dot (.)?

Hi. I use a lot calc sheets and all the time use for decimal dot (.) and not comma (,) . Some times I open csv files with dot (.) and not (,) and not regognized . Back of days I use Excell and have no problem with this because I change In control panel the settings in the Customize Regional Option → List Seperator the comma(,) and to the Decimal Symbol thoe dot (.) .In Libre office is not working. Is any way in the setting of Libre office to do the change? Is it any option to fix this problem in a next update?


Click Tools > Options > Languages and Locales > General and untick (or tick if unticked) for Decimal key on the numpad: Same as locale setting.

But regardless of your setting, when you are importing csv files, the Text Import dialogue allows you to define the locale from where the file came, that is, whether it uses comma or stop as decimal separator.

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This is checked but not regognize the dot as comma. For the calculations need all the time the comma !!!

That is what the Text Import dialogue is for, amongst other things, for you to say if the csv that you are importing uses a comma or a dot as decimal separator.
In the below image, I am importing a csv with a comma as decimal separator so I set the locale, in this case to French (France). This is where the conversion takes place.