Change "draw" Icon?

When I use ctrl + print screen and save the image to my desktop, it always appears as a Draw icon. I want to change it to a Writer icon. Hope you can help a newbie?
Thanks: Dave

Please always tell Operating system (OS), LibreOffice version.

Do you save as PNG or as JPG or as another format?

You wrote that this is an image. Images usually are displayed on desktops as images and get their special icon or preview (thumbnail). All this depends on the OS. On my Linux system your shortcut ctrl + print screen does not work but ALT + print screen for the active window.
So it seems that you are working on a Windows machine… :wink:

To show the screenshot as an icon or as a preview depends on your operating system and not on LibreOffice. So you better ask a search machine how to display an image on Windows desktop.
Probably this diskussion will help you:

Are there any reasons why you want to display an image as a Writer document on your desktop?

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Yes, I have a reason but it’s too confusing to try to explain. :slight_smile:

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I just want to “save” a screenshot to my Win 11 desktop and have the shortcut icon display as a Writer style icon and not a Draw icon. I have the latest version of LOW.
Thanks: Dave. :slight_smile:

Where to find the Writer icon?

  • When searching the icon in Windows dialogues go to
    C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\swriter.exe
  • Download a Writer symbol (png or jpg or other raster graphics format) and export to an icon (extension .ico) - use GIMP or IrfanView.

How do you save your screenshot to the desktop?

  1. If you paste it into Draw and save the Draw file to the desktop you will see a thumbnail of the current page with a LibreOffice icon overlay in the corner. If you add a second page, paste the Writer icon on to that and drag it out to page size, then save and close, you will have the .odg file showing a Writer icon as thumbnail.
  2. If you save the screenshot from a graphics editor as a jpg or png, then the default for Windows 11 is to display a thumbnail of the image.
  3. If you save the image elsewhere and create a shortcut to the image on the desktop and then change the icon for the shortcut to something else, the thumbnail will disappear and the icon for the default program for that file type will replace it. After a redraw of the desktop the icon you chose will appear.

Note that unless you choose small icons, list or detail view in Explorer, Writer files will display a thumbnail of the document, not the Writer icon