Change image-paste wrap mode as default for all documents

I change the image wrap mode when I paste an image by changing settings in
Styles → Frame Styles → Graphics → Edit Styles
then change from “Optimal” to e.g. “Wrap Off”.

This setting works only for current document and I want to change it as a default setting so I don’t have to do it every time for a new document.


Initial style configuration is stored in a template document. A template has file extension .ott.

Your question reads in fact as “how can I customise my default template?”

  1. Start with a blank document
    It contains all default styles
  2. Customise the desired styles
    You can also add your user styles
  3. When done, File>Templates>Save as Template
    Tick the Set as default template box to make it your preferred template.
    The new template is saved in a Writer-known directory. By default, this directory is buried deep in some hidden directory and this makes it unfriendly to update the template. See below for a workaround.

Your templates can be managed with File>Templates>Mange Templates, notably if you want to designate another template as your default one without changing template contents.

As mentioned above, templates end up in a directory (you didn’t quote your OS name nor LO version, so I can’t be more descriptive). You can coerce LO to store them into your preferred user directory.

  1. Open Tools>Options (if you’re under MacOS, this is Preferences), LibreOffice>Paths
  2. Select the *Templates` entry then Edit
  3. Press Add to add a new directory
  4. Optionally click the radio button in the list to designate your preferred default
  5. OK
  6. OK to leave the options dialog
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Thank you @ajlittoz
I’m using Win10 and just to inform others, the saved template found in this directory:
" C:\Users[PC User Name]\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\template"