Change LibreOffice Draw default Circle size

The toolbar has Circle and Ellipse tools. When I select them and click (not drag) a default circle will appear. It’s a little too big for my use, is there any way to change this default circle size? If not, is there any way to create circle prefabs with specific sizes?

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You might store some preformatted circles in the gallery.
Also check the online help page related to the gallery: Adding Graphics to the Gallery

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Alright, I was able to add my prefab to the gallery but am unable to use it from the gallery. There is a “no” sign when I try to drag out the circle.
I’m able to right click and “insert” but it’s a tad inconvenient vs dragging it out. Am I doing something wrong?

I could manage with a circle of 0,01 cm diameter. When dragging an object from gallery into the page there should not be selected any object. Probably the lapse?

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For me (version all shapes from the Drawing toobar are drawn of 1 cm when a click is done. I tested modifying some “1” values for circle and ellipse in expert configuration to no avail.


The “no entry” sign will disappear after you have restarted LibreOffice after creating a new gallery folder.
New objects added to the new Gallery folder after LibreOffice has restarted can be dragged on to the page immediately.


Yup, after a restart, it works. Thanks for all the help, guys!