Change position of all equations?


I just created a Writer document with a large number of equations (PhD thesis) and now I need to change the horizontal position of all my equation numbers. If I click one equation number, I can change its position using the slider at the top, but I need to change them all at once. Is there a way to select all equations in a document?



Can you please give more information about how exactly the position will be changed? By default they are at the right, do you need them on the left or somewhere else? Example document wouldn’t hurt. Could you please upload some short example of before and after to

First, if you had all you formulas in a style (formatting style), you could just adjust the style (like there). This is right way to format whole document, by the way, not just formulas.

Second, depending on uniformity of formatting you have, you may try to use “Search and replace” dialogue to find your formulas by formatting (this is, by Indent) and re-format them. To do that:

  1. Edit → Find & Replace (Ctrl+H)
  2. [+] Other options
  3. Put cursor to Search for field, clear it from any text, and click Format button. Select formatting your formulas currently have. After OK in Format dialogue, you’ll see that selected formatting appeared below Search for field.
  4. Put cursor to Replace With field and click Formatting again. Set formatting you want to apply.
  5. Replace to make it one-by-one or Replace All to change all formatting. You still have undo, and, hopefully, backups, so you can experiment to find appropriate formatting parameters.