When I open a template to alter it, I want to save it back to the original file. The Save button offers SaveAs (which I assume is inappropriate) and SaveAs_Template. The SaveAs_Template dialog provides a list of template categories but not the filenames. Instead it requires the Template Name to be manually entered. Sadly I don’t always recall the precise filename. This requires me to either rediscover the template folder path or to go through the Open->Templates menu then make a note of the filename.
As a future improvement I would like to see the SaveAs_Template dialog function more like the normal SaveAs, After choosing the template category it should provide the normal folder content file list.
Alternatively when editing a template add to the save options a ReplaceOriginalTemplate selection.
In my opinion the first suggestion is better because it allows one to see the existing filenames. Then if there is a filename style convention and a new template is being created a proper filename can be created.