Change the size of multiple shapes at once?

I have more than 100 rectangles distributed around a large Draw diagram. The rectangles are all a little too tall, and little too narrow. I want to change the length and width of all of them at once.

If I change one and use the format paintbrush, it only only copies the formatting, not the length and width. If I select more than one rectangle and open the Position and Size window, it shows a very large size, of the combination of many rectangles as though one large object, and changing the length and width does not apply to each shape individually but to the combination, deforming all the individual rectangles.

I’m guessing I have to go through and change the size of each rectangle one by one, but thought I’d check - any ideas?

  • Existing setup with those rectangles constituting a frame around your diagram?
    Select all the framing objects and nothing else (shift-select or ctrl-select is your friend). Drag to position and resize the entire set. Resizing the set will also resize individual “member objects” accordingly.

  • Do you want all of them the same size? Identical (or no) text content? Same color and orientation on all?
    Create one of correct size, copy, then paste multiple clones. Use distribution tool to distribute the clones evenly.

  • Other situation? Provide a sample to work with (edit your question posting and use the paperclip tool to attach a file).

For up to twenty-odd items, individual editing may be the most efficient strategy after all.

Thanks. Option (1) did it, with some fiddling. Of course, the right thing would have been to create each rectangle exactly as I needed it, and then copy and paste as needed. But for various reasons, they were already created, and distributed around a very large diagram. I wanted them all to have the golden ratio, and be 2.2 cm wide, and 1.36 high.

So first, decrease height. I selected all rectangles with ctrl-a. Then grabbed the top left corner of the whole selection, and dragged just a bit down. Then clicked on and checked one rectangle height with F4. Still a bit too tall. Repeated the process again. Almost. Last one did it.

Then increase length. Selected all rectangles with ctrl-a. Grabbed top left corner, and dragged left. Then checked. Almost. A couple more did it.

Now, this moved the rectangles a bit, making the whole diagram a bit shorter and wider. So some small adjustments are required. (The tools for Align and Distribution are very handy.) But this process is much easier than starting all over, or going through more than a hundred rectangles and changing the height and width individually. Thanks.

I found how to do it using “Equalize Height” and “Equalize Width” (in the Shapes menu). The key is the order in which you select the objects. It equalizes the shapes based on the last object selected. So, update an object to the desired size then drag that object away from the rest so you can select the others and not that one. Once you have selected all the other objects, hold the shift key and click on the correct-size object, causing that to be part of the selection. Now apply the “Equalize Height” or “Equalize Width” function.


Valid with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

THANKS! (Works on LibreOffice 7)

This only works partially (in LO 7.3.3). When equalizing height, the width is kept untouched, so the proportions are not kept.

@Rosaco Your situation is not that of the original question which was to change all the shapes to a different ratio and size. For a different question, you should start your own question.

  1. Work out the percentage size increase you need
  2. Select your shapes
  3. Right click on the selection and select Position and Size (F4)
  4. In the Position and Size tab make a note of existing height of selection
  5. Tick the box Keep Ratio
  6. Multiply existing height by the percentage size increase you need and enter it into the height field. Click OK

In addition:

The Equalize Width/Height first appeared in version 5.1 (see also tdf#96137); it would be possible to create their counterparts like “Equalize Width/Height (keep ratio)” - but it needs a feature request.

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I know. My remark was exactly that: just a remark, for future visitors. But thanks anyway for the support and suggested workaround.

Sorry. But also great that the question has another aspect covered. Cheers, Al

Briliant I am going to use this ALOT