Change untis to pixels (not points) in LibreOfficeDraw

It’s wierd that libre office doesn’t have a way to change units from points to pixels as pixels are the platonic building block of designing computer graphics of a computer or am I missing something?

LibreOffice is not built around “platonic building block of designing computer graphics”. Its graphics (and other things) are about sizes on paper. The screen is just a method of creating documents, but the documents are meant to be on a physical media. Indeed, Impress is special, but your question is about Draw …

The internal unit used in Draw is 1/100th of a millimeter. All sizes in LibreOffice are not relative to a floating unit like “some random size of an element on a given device on a table of a specific user”. In the end, we have no raster editor in the suite.

And yes, since not that long, the definition of a “pixel” became fixed to 1/96 in. We could introduce it now … but what good would it make? Such a fixed pixel is useless both for people who use physical units (who measures paper in pixels?), and for those who want to create pixel graphics that would depend on device resolution.