So referencing my past question on selecting a range of cells.
Sub column_SelectVisible()
REM Selects the first <lNumberOfCells> visible cells in column <lColumnIndex> in the current Sheet.
Const lColumnIndex As Long = 0
Const lNumberOfCells As Long = 200
Dim oDoc As Object : oDoc = ThisComponent
Dim oSheet As Object : oSheet = oDoc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
Dim oColumn As Object : oColumn = oSheet.Columns.getByIndex( lColumnIndex )
Dim oRanges As Object : oRanges = oColumn.queryVisibleCells()
Dim oRange As Object : oRange = oRanges.getByIndex(0)
Dim oCursor As Object : oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange( oRange )
oCursor.collapseToSize ( 1, lNumberOfCells ) oCursor )
End Sub
I now just need to be able to change the column select variable lColumnIndex to increment as a way to select a different column with 0 being column A, 1 = B and so on. I’m terrible with programming so I kind of do need to be hand held into this.