Is it possible to change cell typography dynamically - depending on what is typed into the cell?
Eg. I type “water” in a cell and it gets a blue “water” background Later I type “Fire” and the background changes to “Fire”
Is it possible to change cell typography dynamically - depending on what is typed into the cell?
Eg. I type “water” in a cell and it gets a blue “water” background Later I type “Fire” and the background changes to “Fire”
Yes, that’s no problem. Search the forum or help (F1) for conditional format.
I’m not so familiar with “conditional format” - And in the “Help” is not so well documented (yet)
The above example for my question is kept simple.
In reality, I have an array with a total of 20 values for styles
I can see that I can solve the task if I create all 20 conditions via the conditional format method.
Can’t I do it differently and get rid of the conditional format?
I already have the form (using functions such as index and style) which perfectly solves the task of changing the style to one of the desired styles:
”type-in-the-cell-value” = Whatever I type into the current cell and which must remain but with a special typography
”style-code” is the returned value out of 20 possibilities from an index function
So to be clear: I’m basically only asking how I make the dynamic value: ”type-in-the-cell-value”
IMPOV, this can only be done by code.
A cell cannot contain a value or text and a formula. It can only hold eather a value or text or a formula.
Thanks - I had a feeling about it
Then I have to get started with the twenty conditions in conditional format ,-)
PS IMPOV = In My Point Of View?
IMPOV: yes! Find attached an example file, which attaches the style according to the word in a cell.
Attach_Cellstyle_by_Code.ods (48.7 KB)
I can see, It works as I requested, but it would be nice if I knew how to use it / recreate it for my project
Simply name the cellstyle as the word in a cell it has to be attached to.
Cellstyle “red” will be attached to a cell containing the word “red”. How to use the maco is described within the sampe file.
Yes, it’s this one that I don’t have full control over:
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub attachcellstyle (Event)
aStyles = thisComponent.Stylefamilies.CellStyles.ElementNames
for i = 0 to uBound(aStyles)
sStyle = aStyles(i)
if Event.String = sStyle then
Event.CellStyle = sStyle
next i
end sub
I must find time to read a bit about macros in LO at some point
Sub attachcellstyle(event)
on error resume next
event.CellStyle = event.String
end sub
ps.: more explicit:
Sub attachcellstyle(event)
styles = thisComponent.StyleFamilies.CellStyles
if styles.hasByName(event.String) then
event.CellStyle = event.String
end sub