Changing Font Colors In Base

I’ve seen this come up as an issue on linux installs but I’m on Windows.

Fresh install of

I’ve made a new table and it’s given me black font on a dark background and I can’t read any of it. I’ve gone though the usual appearance and application color options and nothing is changing it. Changing the color scheme, inside Libre, from System to Light also didn’t change anything.

Kinda hard to work with when I can’t see/read any of it. Ya dig?

Did you try this:
Open the table, click left beneath the table headers with right mouse button. A context menu will be shown. First Entry: Table Format. If you chose this a dialog “Character” will be opened. “Font Effects” will show the color of fonts.

I opened up the table to try it and see if that would work, but the font is white now all of a sudden.

I didn’t change a thing, it’s just working now. I dunno.

That might work for someone else though as I was able to change the color from white to anything else I wanted that way.

Thanks very much.

Seems the automatic doesn’t work as it should. Remember: Base has been developed before LO exists. There hasn’t been changed much since LO 3.3 except the additional database Firebird. And dark themes aren’t used so much when Base had been developed…