Changing the icon LO assigns to Word/Writer documents

Hello. I’m new to LO (as in a couple of days ago). Upon installation, I note that all of my previous (MS Word) docs have been assigned your LO icon. I have no issue with that in principle, other than your icon’s native blue colour is difficult to see against my blue screen background. And, yes, I know I can easily change the desktop background (Windows 10), but it’s something I prefer not to do.

Is there a way to assign a different icon to the various document files? I’m not talking about the icon for the main LO program, only the text files I create and/or have currently.

Any and all advice welcomed.

This page tells you how to use Windows to assign file types to a program; it doesn’t have to be to LibreOffice, Assign files to LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

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And this also can help:

My Transition from MS-Office to LibreOffice

Hello @Hrbrgr,

My thanks for the speedy response. Thanks, also, for the link regarding transition from MS Word to LO. Unfortunately, that doesn’t address my query. I have no problem with the transition and have already created various templates and styles that I need for my writing/publishing tasks. The issue is simply the icon. It’s blue and difficult to see. If there’s a simple way to ‘swap’ or ‘add’ an icon of my own choice, then great, that’s all I need. But if that isn’t possible for whatever reason, then I’ll just have to live with it.

Thus far I’m impressed with the software and while there a few aspects that I will need to personalise, I offer my thanks to people such as yourselves for making the package available.

With kind regards,

F J Shindler.

Well, I’m just a user like you, but I work with LibreOffice as a volunteer, so your thanks go to everyone.

The above link from @EarnestAl shows the possible function. The symbols of the files indicate the assignment to the program(!).

If you still have an old version of MS-Office on your PC, you can reassign your files to MS-Office. However, if you then work with LibreOffice, you must first start LibreOffice and open the file from LibreOffice. Otherwise, double-clicking on the file will open the associated MS Office component.

This is not a problem of LibreOffice, but the operating system (in this case Windows) dictates this.

Greatly appreciated, Hrbrgr. I do have the old version of MS Word (2002) which has run without issues on my Win 8.1 and, latterly, Win 10 laptop for years. For reasons unknown, it opens a document it attempted to recover some days ago. Upon doing so, the page freezes and prevents any interaction. Five or so seconds later, the program shuts down. No amount of experimentation has worked, hence my interest in LO. I’ll take your (and Earnest’s) advice on board, but it will have to be tomorrow.

Sincere thanks again for your help.

F J.

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