When you write
on one side of the book and … on the other
I assume you’re talking about left and right pages.
Yo have a different header on left and right you need 2 page styles.
the pour man’s method
In the style sidepane (F5
), press the fourth toolbar icon from the left to list the page styles; the currently active one is highlighted. Right-cluck on it and Modify
Go to the Header
tab (or Footer
if your inserts are at the bottom of the page). Check Header on if not already done, uncheck Same content on left and right page.
You can now insert various document properties in the header area as fields.
the professional method (total control on everything)
Create two page styles (on for left, the other for right page) and link them so that they alternate automatically.
Make sure Header on is enabled.
Insert your fields in the header.
The fields of interests are:
, LibreOffice
>User Data
: this is where you can enter your name and other personal data
: Description
tab for the book title
You can retrieve the values associated with these properties as Insert
or Subject
, but many others are available with Insert
>Other fields
, Document
If you also want the current chapter title, it lives in the Cross-references
tab, type Numbered paragraphs (of course, it assumes your chapters and other headings are styles Heading n).
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