Check for update tells me I'm up to date when I'm not

I’m running x64 on Windows 10. The newest version is obviously 6.0.6 nonetheless it says “LibreOffice 6.0 is up to date”. Why is that?


Please see answer by @Kruno in this post → LibreOffice upgrade question

The update check version number seems to lag a bit from when actual versions are released.
This question has come up before.
I have been using LibreOffice a couple years now on Windows,
and not once have I seen a notice pop-up from an update check.
And it has always been set to automatically check weekly.
I usually find out about the latest version from a 3rd-party website.
I think there is a bug report on this, but I could not find it.

Current Fresh release is
Current Still release is

If I check from

LibreOffice 6.0.5 is available.
The installed version is LibreOffice

If I check from

LibreOffice 6.1 is up to date.

If I check from

LibreOffice 5.4.7 is available.
The installed version is LibreOffice

I have found that on Windows neither the manual or automatic update check works reliably.
