Posting this because I have previously told everyone you will only get 5.0 on a Chromebook and the most likely question anyone will ask here if they are a Chromebook user is “how do I install libreoffice.”
I have it. For those who asked and those who will ask. It IS now possible to install LibreOffice 6.0 because I just did, easy peasy. I am using an Acer Chromebook with the Linux Beta enabled. (Go to settings and enable that.) Now type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice
and you should now get LO 6
I know one could use developer mode but if all you want is a few apps then this should now be enough. The initial problem of never getting other than LO 5 was due to some issue with repositories but presumably, an update sorted this.
I am posting this because this has been the question I most wanted answered here. I hope the mods understand I am trying to help an increasing number of people buying and using Chromebooks who also want to use LibreOffice. Having tried them all, I never found the ways described on the Internet such as enabling back ports, etc worked. I had developer mode with Ubuntu installed for a while and any version of LO works with that, but it was very clunky and one night the cat decided to do some developing of her own and wiped the entire OS by sleeping on the keyboard.