Dear Community:
Problem → Error dialogs are missing during interactive operation in client - server mode. The procedure for symptom reproduction is provided below.
HSQLDB 2.5.1, 2020-06-29, is selected as the DB engine due to its row level security (RLS) feature based on conditional Grant (Grant … Where …). Firebird 3.0.6, 2020-06-28, is not capable of RLS.
At present LO Base is not capable to inspect the RLS constraint relationship defined by the conditional Grant.
Inquiry → Is it possible to configure LO so that Base GUI would always activate error dialogs upon Java Exception from DB engines?
Deployment → LO installation on 20~30 PCs is pending on a solution to the missing error dialogs.
Thanks in advance for advice.
Ray Jahn
[symptom reproduction]
(1). LO → menu → file → open → 16.test.odb
(2). Select “Tables”.
user = WORK01
pass = (empty), no password, for easier test repetition
(3). Select table “TB_CLNT_PO”.
Alter any PO of adult divisions (, Div.lady).
The conditional Grant is violated (controlled by RLS of DB engine).
(4). Move the cursor away from the altered record.
The original record is quietly restored.
Missing the error dialog in interactive mode, upon violation of the conditional Grant.
The error dialog is also missing for user = WORK02, when altering any PO of children divisions (Div.boy, Div.girl) and thereby violating the conditional Grant.
Interestingly an error dialog appears for user = VIEW01, when the cursor leaves the altered record, if any PO of any division is altered (correct behavior). In the case of VIEW01, one needs to press (escape) to restore the original record and then move the cursor to other records. (correct behavior)
A unified behavior of error dialogs similar to that of VIEW01 would be desirable, upon violation of conditional Grant.
(1). DB server hsqldb.jar, 2.5.1 → to c:/dbms/hsql/lib/hsqldb.jar
(2). Unzip database file set → to c:/data.cbg/hsql
(3). The client file 16.test.odb can reside anywhere on the same PC.
(4). Configure LO.
This step overrides the default HSQLDB 1.8 in the LO installation.
LO → menu → tool → options → advanced → class path → add archive → c:/dbms/hsql/lib/hsqldb.jar
Create the client file 16.test.odb with LO, for test in interactive mode.
(1). LO → menu → tool → options → advanced → class path → add archive → c:/dbms/hsql/lib/hsqldb.jar
(2). LO → menu → file → new → database → connect to existing DB → JDBC
(3). database parameters.
JDBC = org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver
URL = jdbc:hsqldb:file:c:/data.cbg/hsql/16.test;default_schema=true
(4). user credential
user = (empty), to test with multiple user accounts
pass = checked, to enable the login dialog
(5). initiation options
registration → unchecked
initial edit → unchecked
finish, to save 16.test.odb
MS Windows XP, SP3, x32
LibreOffice, x32, last version for XP
HSQLDB 2.5.1
JRE = Oracle JRE, last version for XP
JVM = Hotspot, not OpenJ9
MS Windows 10, x64
LibreOffice, x64
HSQLDB 2.5.1
JRE = AdoptOpenJDK JRE
JVM = Hotspot, not OpenJ9
(1). 16.test.odb → the client file.
(2). → the database file set, controlled by DB server. is disguised as 16.test.odt, due to restriction on file name extension for upload.
(3). hsqldb.jar, 2.5.1 → to c:/dbms/hsql/lib/hsqldb.jar
hsqldb.jar, 2.5.1, 1.5 MB, exceeding the 1 MB limit of attachment file size.
Please download hsqldb.jar directly from
The following attachments provide business case and SQL scripts for RLS and conditional Grant. No need to read them unless necessary, e.g., inspecting the RLS constraint relationship, etc. EOL convention of MS (CR+LF) is used in these text attachments.
(4). sql.test.16.txt → the SQL scripts to create the file sets of database 16.test in HSQLDB 2.5.1.
sql.test.16.txt is disguised as sql.test.16.odt, due to the restriction on file name extension for upload.
(5). → business case is disguised as, due to the restriction on file name extension for upload.