Combo box problem


I am not a computer guy, but I got put in charge of a documentation project. basically I have 20 different calc sheets. And I would like them have a dropdown list of preset options. the problem is the list of presets changes from time to time and I would like to be able to update them all at once, Instead of editing 20 to 40 separate spreadsheets. my limited understanding thought maybe using a database would work. and it did I was able to to create a drop down list that shows my presets. the problem is two things

  1. I need the current selection in the dropdown list to show in a different cell on the next sheet for

  2. I need other info from the preset table to show based on the current selection. for example if I select customer name I need a cell to show the corresponding customer number

I am noob, I’m not a computer/IT guy just a lowly machinist.

whatever help you can give me is appreciated.
Thanks so much!!

This sounds like one of those hypercomplicated spreadsheet nightmares, indeed.

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By 20 “spreadsheets” do you mean different sheet tabs in a single document (file) or do you mean 20 different documents (files)?

If it’s all the same file, just different tabs, or if it can be easily recreated that way, then it’s not so bad at the outset.

  1. …update them all at once. Have a Named Range that has the values you want to have show up in the drop lists, then point each of the drop down cells to that named range by adding data validity to each of the drop down cells. (Data>Validity>Allow: Cell range, then use the named range as the cell range).
  2. …to show in a different cell. Have the cell on the printed page reference the dropdown cell using =MySelectionSheet.$B$5. It just needs the value; doesn’t care about the drop down formatting.
  3. …need other info from the preset table… Use a VLOOKUP, or if the selection data isn’t in the leftmost column, one of INDEX/MATCH or XLOOKUP, both of which have tons of online documentation and help pages.

This is a vary small selection list sample! The Calc method to create this is menu Data/Validity. The sample includes two local sheets, “invoice”, “namelist”. The namelist sheet is updated to a registered hsqldb.
You should be able to easily apply this design to your own!
SelectionList.ods (257.1 KB)