Is it possible for this formula
=IF(DATEDIF(A1;B1;"y")=0;"";DATEDIF(A1;B1;"y")&" years ")&IF(DATEDIF(A1;B1;"ym")=0;""; DATEDIF(A1;B1;"ym")&" months ")&DATEDIF(A1;B1;"md")&" days"
that display result in this format
3 years 11 months 0 days
to create formula with IF function or some other function
to return value for results:
if less than 6 years 0 months 0 days value is 0
if between 6 years 0 months 0 days and 20 years 0 months 0 days value is 1
if more than 20 years 0 months 0 days value is 2
I have try some examples with IF and LOOKUP function, but I couldn’t setup formula to work correctly.