I’d rather explain what I need to do with an example instead of using words. Talking about LibreOffice Calc here.
Let’s say that I have the detailed characteristics of 3 racing cars and want to sort/classify them from the best to the worst.
(downloadable example Calc file here: http://en.libreofficeforum.org/sites/libreofficeforum.org/files/uploads/WAZAAAAA_files/StupidExample.ods)
Ferrari - MAX SPEED:200km/h - ACCELERATION SPEED:8sec - MASS:1100kg
McLaren - MAX SPEED:110km/h - ACCELERATION SPEED:10sec - MASS:1090kg
Honda - MAX SPEED:120km/h - ACCELERATION SPEED:10sec - MASS:1091kg
The calculation should take in consideration that higher=better for MAX SPEED, and lower=better for ACCEL SPEED and MASS. It should also consider that the MASS advantage for the Honda over the Ferrari is a very small “victory” (+0,82%) compared to the huge difference in MAX SPEED (-66%).
Naturally, the results from the best to the worst in the example would be Ferrari 1st, Honda 2nd, McLaren 3rd, but how do I process all of this with Calc? And HOW MUCH (maybe expressed in percentage) is each car better than the other?
Thanks in advance.