Concatenate two field with Where clause

I want to concatenate two fields: first_name and last_name, where value is equal to ID:

SELECT “First_Name” || ’ ’ || “Last_Name” AS “Full_Name”, * FROM “Unclaimed” WHERE “ID” = :enter_ID;

It shows all fields with empty values. When I removed the where clause, it gave results. Kindly help me

The query you wrote couldn’t be executed in GUI of Base, because it needs the table name in front of ‘*’:

SELECT "First_Name" ||' '|| "Last_Name" AS "Full_Name", 
FROM "Unclaimed" 
WHERE "ID" = :enter_ID

This query will works here with internal HSQLDB without any problem.
Note: If you concatenate fields the result will be NULL, if one of the fields is NULL.

Which database do you use?

It not asking me parameters. only show empty fields

So it has nothing to do with concatenating.
Again: Which database do you use?
Parameter will be asked for here without any problem (internal HSQLDB, query GUI of Base)

Thanks Problem Solve