Conditional formatting a cell against a REGEX

I need to conditional formatting a cell against a REGEX.

I’m using LibreOffice on Linux (in Italian).

I’m using Form / Conditional / Condition / Formula: ISERROR(REGEX(A3;"^[0-9]{11}$"));
And “Apply style”: “Error”.

So far now way I can see a different formatting of my cell inserting a non matching value.

Can anybody help?

See example.
ConditionalFormatting.ods (8.4 KB)

There are two options for validation - using data validation and conditional formatting
Conditional formatting a cell against a REGEX.ods (11.4 KB)

So function names are translated ??? Terrible!!! But thanks for the tip!

Terrible indeed. You can turn it off.
menu:Tools>Options… Calc>Formula: “Use English function names”