System : Mac Os Big Sur 11.7.10
Libre Office :
Hello everyone !
I exactly have the same issue than the one described here (but the answer doesn’t help me at all) :
When I create a new file, then enter a few values in cells, and create a new conditional formatting applied to a cell containing a simple formula, it perfectly works (meaning the formula works and the conditional formatting is applied)… until I save my new file with .xlsx extension and reopen it.
First thing I discover is that my conditional formatting name changed : from “hello” it became ConditionalFormatting_1. If I create a new one, called “bye”, close and reopen my file, it will become ConditionalFormatting_2. And so on.
Then, these conditional formatting may also behave weirdly : most of the format can be applied, but for example the font color become white and can’t be read.
Could you help me with this issue ?