Hello there! I think I might have found a bug here.
I use conditional formatting on a column with calculated numbers.
A neighboring column (right side) contains a hard defined set of minimum values. This column is masked (not visible).
If the value of a cell is negative, a style with red color should be used.
If the value is positive, but below its minimum value, a style with yellow colour should be used.
If none of the above conditions apply, a szyle with blue colour is to be used.
My problem is, that, often (not always), if I load the file, negative values are not displayed in red. If, for one line, I change some other values, so that the respective cell turns positive, and redo this by redoing the other values, the style is again displayed correctly, even though all values are the exact same as in the first place.
I found one method to completely restore the correct display without touching the numbers:
- Step 1: Insert a new empty column anywhere in the document
- Step 2: Remove the new column again via the “Undo” functionality. (Manually removing it does not work)
And everything is displayed correctly again.
Recalculating the cells via “F9” also does not work, by the way.
This formula (German) is used:
(Edited by @Lupp
Please use English function names in the English forum. The specific example should read then: