I have 2 cells, e.g A1 and B1. A1 contains the text Total, B1 the value but B1 isnt a typed number, it is result of a function and even formatted as %.
| Total | 10 | where the B2 10 is with function of C1, =20/C1
I want to make different color conditions based on teh result but it seems for the program result != value, so if I typed e.g 10 (let’s say t his is the result) conditional formatting will work but when function gives this result it won’t work, style won’t apply…
I want both the cell A1 with text Total and B1 with the formula to change based on B1’s result of the formula. So if im at 100 I can set some green style if 0 some red, is it even doable?
Edit: Seems it won’t accept value displayed as percentage or the value in the condition. As temp solution I had to Format As Number, no decimals. Still don’t know how to make the text Total also change based on it