Conditional Formatting to Compare 2 Columns?

Hello. I am trying to learn how to use LibreOffice Calc version (x64) on a Windows 10 desktop.

I want to use Conditional Formatting to compare 2 columns. If the value of a cell in Column A is greater than its adjacent cell in Column B, then I want the fill color of both cells to be green. Otherwise, I want the fill color of both cells to be red.

Col A Col B
1000 749 (both cells should be green)
1000 2000 (both cells should be red)

Is this possible in Calc?


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Yes it is possible. Just describe each of the conditions and set the desired appearance for it. Pay attention to the dollar sign in cell addresses


It is due to such addressing that not single cells are colored, but entire ranges.


PERFECT! THANK YOU! :grinning: