Conditional formatting

I want to be able to apply the conditional back ground colour to a another cell but based on the condition in the original cell. Example: in a simple house expenditure spreadsheet I can highlight all cells that have “CR” using the stndard conditional formatting. However I also want the same highlight colour to be applied two columns across which is where the amount would be entered.

Any suggestions?

A conditional format condition can be a formula and the formula can refer to another cell. For example if cell A1’s background changes to blue_background when its content is CR, then cell C1’s background can also change to blue_background. The conditional formatting for cell C1 would be Condition 1, Formula is A1=“CR”, cell style blue_background.

Thanks for this reply. In the back of my mind I reckoned it could be done from the days, long ago, when I used Excel, but couldn’t work it out on my own.

PS This is my first use of AskLiBo so I’m not sure how to register my approval. I’ve use the tick mark next to my original question so I hope that’s the right thing to do.

@astronomer, you did exactly the right thing. Karma for you!