ConditionalFormat, sheet does not use new rules


I have a problem with a macro who insert conditionalformat into cells.
I have made an example sheet that demonstrates the problem, CFExample.ods.
The insertion of the formula works but the sheet does not calculate the new CF rules.
If I goto Format.Condional.Manage.Edit and than leave without changing anything by pressing twice on OK button than the sheet use the new CF rules.
What is hapening here?
What command(s) do I need to add to the macro that simulates my manual action?

Who can/will guide me in the rigth direction.



CFExample.ods (200.4 KB)

Try replace line

oAddCondition(2).Value = replace( vTmp(LBound(vTmp()) +2), "cell", "A1" )


oAddCondition(2).Value = Replace(replace( vTmp(LBound(vTmp()) +2), "cell", "A1" ), ",", ";")

and the film will turn into color. :slightly_smiling_face:

The formulas in the CF have mistakes.
Verify that comma is your separator in functions.
From the second condition, you have the AND function without separator between arguments.

Thanks for solution and the quick reply. :+1: