I’m using default Headings style and I also created two custom styles for my appendixes. For exmaple
- Chapter
1.1 Sub-Chapter
- Chapter 2
A. Appendix about something
Chapter 1 and 2 Heading 1 (level 1)
1.1 Sub-Chapter Heading 2 (level 2)
Appendixes Appendix style (level 6)
A. Appendix Appendix A style (level 7)
I have a table in Chapter 1 (Table 1.1) and I have table in A. Appendix (A.1), this is like two table number should show but when I set table field level for one the other change too.
For example:
if set table level for A. Appendix to 7 I get Table A.1 but Chapter 1 is now showing Table 1.1.1.
and if set table level for Chapter 1 to 1 to get Table 1.1 A. Appendix is now show Table 1
How can resolve this conflict and show the correct table number, Table 1.1 and Table A.1?
Thanks in advanced!