I am trying to connect LibreOffice Base (Version to Firebird 3.0 (Version LI-V3.0.7.33374).
I am running Ubuntu 18.04 and created the database with FlameRobin 0.9.3. The file is named “Test” and resides on ~/FirebirdDBS/Test1/Test.fbd.
I have tried in vain the following:
a)Start base and click “Connect to an exiting database (Firebird File)”->Next;
b)Browse to: “file:///home/fck/FirebirdDBS/Test1/Test.fdb” ->Next;
c)“Yes, register dbs + Open database for edit” ->Finish;
d)New window pops up requesting name for a .odb file! Save as “Test” on the default Home/196 dir. ->Save;
e)Error window pop up stating an error because the chosen fdb file exits! This is crazy because I am trying to connect to an existing file! See attached file for full error provided. Note: I did not install any funny extras. I presume that with the installation of LO, all requirements to connect to a Firebird DB would be included.
Please advise.
Please advise! Regards.Testfdb.jpg