Connect to firebird where is fbclient found

LO Base cannot find on Linux, where does it look for drivers?

It will depend on the version of LO you use.
My system here is OpenSUSE. There is a LO-version, which is in the repositories of OpenSUSE. This version won’t work with Firebird, because Firebird is still experimental. So I have installed LO directly downloaded from LO website. This version will allow to work with Firebird.

Connect to existing database
Option 1: Firebird External → host_name:mydatabase -
Option 2: ODBC → ODBC name (after configuring an ODBC connection for all database software)
Option 3: JDBC → something like jdbc:jaybird:host_name:mydatabase (after adding some JDBC driver to LibreOffice’s “advanced options”)

In the next dialog steps you specify user, password, register the database (never harms) and save the document. Now your LibreOffice can access your Firebird database in various ways. In most cases you want to add some meaningful queries to the database document.

Regarding option 1:

Thank you RobertG
I really appreciate your help. I am running version LibreOffice Community on Ubuntu pacjage version 1:7.3.7-Oubuntu0.22.04.03

From the error message it seems that LO can’t find the Firebird interface libraries.
Can you tell me where it is looking please? I have created symlinks
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/firebird/3.0/lib/ /usr/lib/

LO seems to be looking for ./connectivity/source/drivers/firebird/Util.cxx:68

Something like clutching at straws :frowning:
Thanks in advance

The firebird driver has nothing to do with firebird client on your system. It is part of LibreOffice - here in /program/

Will start my old laptop with Ubuntu to have a look …

Have had a look. It is part of Ubuntu packages by default. Could find it in the same program path of LibreOffice. Don’t know if you have installed only a part of LibreOffice …