Context menu not displaying synonyms in French

Dear community of LO users,
After following some research on how to have both English (UK) and French (France) installed (Language Writing aid, etc.) I still cannot see the context menu (the one opening after right click over a word written in French, and correctly spelled check by the French (France) dictionary) to display synonyms.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and LibreOffice
Thanks a lot for your help - happy to provide more details as needed.
P.S. This query seems partially related to this old (and unanswered) thread:

Inutile de parler anglais sur la partie francophone du forum.

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and LibreOffice

Est-ce la version des dépôts qui est installée ?
Faites le test la version officielle téléchargeable ici : Télécharger LibreOffice | Communauté LibreOffice francophone