Convert xls to PDF by command line, how to use parameters, and how to lock checkbox

I convert xls to pdf by Linux cmd:

/usr/bin/soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:calc_pdf_Export {} --outdir {}

And got perfect result, but checkbox from XLSX file can be changed in the PDF file, if I convert by Libre, if convert by MS Office(save as) checkbox in the result PDF can not be changed.

How I can manage this settings in the Libre cmd command?

Libre version: LibreOffice 40(Build:2)

For example:
example.xlsx (11.2 KB)
example_Libre.pdf (9.1 KB)

Note that checkboxes got supported earlier. The description there fully relates to your case.

See also Docx to pdf Rich text content control looses formats - #9 by mikekaganski

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Thank you a lot!!!

result linux command(all ’ and " important!):

/usr/bin/soffice --headless --convert-to ‘pdf:calc_pdf_Export:{“ExportFormFields”:{“type”:“boolean”,“value”:“false”}}’ /opt/temp_work_pdftohtml/data.xlsx --outdir /opt/temp_work_pdftohtml

full help here: PDF CLI Parameters (