Converted pdf has active drop down menus and wrong color?

Converting document to PDF leaves drop down boxes active and editable, and the color is dark theme. I am hoping it is just a setting on my ubuntu side as the windows libreoffice works fine. It does not matter weather it is saved in .odt or .doc, and other win10 computers see the same flaw with he pdf that is not present when I export from Win10. This only happens when converting in ubuntu.


In File > Export As > Export as PDF, under tab General, heading General, there is a setting Create PDF form. What happens if you untick it?

It disables the form but the border remains. However I did fix the issue by removing Libreoffice 6.4 and installing 7.0. Works great

that works but here is another issue, cannot open or save in windows shares

I will try that when I get to the office tomorrow, Thank you for the help