Converting Multi Page PDF to Multi page Tiff

Hello, i have been looking for this answer but i am not sure why i cant find it anywhere.

I have a PDF file which has multiple pages and i am trying to convert it into a Tiff file. What are the extra parametter i can add to convert all the pdf pages at once and create a Tiff as well.

I am using the following command line
./soffice --headless --convert-to tiff --outdir /Users/newuser/Desktop/ /Users/newuser/Desktop/advertising_handbook_december\ 2015_v4.pdf

V 5.0.4 on Mac

Really apprecate your help in advance.

Did you ever figure this out? I wanted t convert a multi page PDF to multi page TIFF from the GUI and all i got was many single page files in TIFF format.

You could also try ImageMagick.