Paste into a document results in an open window with the picture icon and “image1” in upper left most corner
What a shame that the replies do not attempt answers.The question was not “how do I optimize an image I want to extract from a file I opened in Writer”, the gist seems to be to have been "what in LibreOffice writer is preventing images from, for example, a Word file, a file opened in Writer from being copied or edited in external software. They are clearly visible in the original document, but cannot be extracted from the “frame” that LibreOffice has them embedded in. This creates what so far is an insurmountable obstacle to making use of older files and reviving the use of images and material of which they are a trove. I want, and I hope this is closely related to the OP, to extract the images (copy) and use them independently fof the original file, in new files of my making. I wish I could overcome the obstacles or identify them, in LibreOffice writer. Suggestions if anyone has them?
I have quit using LibreOffice - too much of a hassle.
Sorry to read that. Anyway, you can find friends here.
You used the tag Common which refers to all the LibreOffice applications. Assuming you are using Writer, go to the menu option View and ensure Images and Charts is selected.
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Oh, thank you so much for this answer. I have been scratching my head like crazy, wondering why bitmaps stopped being pasted into a document! I hadn’t realized that I had unchecked Images and Charts under the View menu.
Never use the Copy/Paste method for the images what you get from a foreign source.
Always optimize the images before you insert them into your document.
(Adjust the resolution [DPI], color depth, physical size and the file type with a third party image editor/manager software.)
Then insert the image into your document by the regular way (from the menu): Insert - Image
@Zizi64 wrote:
Never use the Copy/Paste method for the images what you get from a foreign source.
Is never not a bit too absolute? It always depends of circumstances and personal experience and the use of a document in future (sketch? print out? documentation? quick and dirty response? …). - Cheers
“Is never not a bit too absolute?”
In my opinion: is not. If you not know anything about the DPI, the color depth, the physical size, and the type of the image, then the Copy/Paste can cause many of mistakes. Huge file size, high memory consupting, slowened open procedure, program crash, etc…
The older version did not require all of these pre-paste steps. I am not a computer genius but these steps are frustrating, time consuming. Never had to optimize pic before and makes OfficeDepot harder to use.
“The older version did not require all of these pre-paste steps.”
All of versions and all of text editor softwares require these steps. Yes, you can insert the pictures without these steps, but the result never will be optimal.
So, bottom line… LO does not allow one to paste an image directly from the clipboard? Bummer. Sometimes (usually) I don’t care about optimizing. I’m in a hurry and I want to create a document with some quick images on it.
Seems like a real simple thing that would be very useful to very many.
Of course you can paste directly into Writer.
In Linux if you copy a jpg image, I believe you can paste the jpg image into Writer.
The Windows clipboard is less obliging and only pastes bitmap which is converted to PNG by Writer to avoid data loss but also increases file size. This is a limitation in Windows operating system.
Dragging a jpg or optimised image into Writer will embed the original image file although with a different name
Hmph. I wonder why I couldn’t paste an image from the clipboard into LO Writer today. I would try, and nothing would appear.
I just tested this on LinuxMint 21.3. Images which were inserted in Writer via drag and drop kept their size and format (png; jpg); they only got another internal name. In these cases the images were not transferred into fully colored png images.
If Windows works as described by @Zizi64 I would avoid drag and drop in most cases but not in general.
When dropping images in Writer (main text or table) they were exactly placed where the mouse cursor was positioned.
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 420(Build:2)
CPU threads: 2; OS: Linux 5.15; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: de-DE (de_DE.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Ubuntu package version: 4:24.2.5~rc2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~lo1
Calc: threaded
Are you using a clipboard manager? They interfere with clipboard and can reduce the number of paste options.
I know that Windows clipboard history reduces paste options for earlier copies but not, I think, for the just copied item
Another possibility is that the image is in WEBP format and you are using an older version of LibreOffice which didn’t have support for the file type.
I may have invoked the clipboard manager/history functionality. I’m on LO ver. FWIW. I think that’s the latest.
When you try to paste an image, what happens? Nothing? Does a frame appear saying Image 4 or similar?
Do you use a youtube downloader? They can interfere with the Windows clipboard.
Seems to work today—unless I try pasting anything but the most recent item from Windows’ clipboard history. In that case nothing happens. The cursor in LO Writer just keeps on blinking.
I do have a couple different Youtube downloader programs, but I don’t think they’re resident on boot; I don’t use them very often, and I start the computer fresh everyday.
Okay, I just checked my active processes in Task Manager; no such programs are active so far as I can tell.
Can you paste non-current items from Windows’ clipboard history into LO Writer?