Copy and Pasting formulas in Calc: no recalc using pasted cell data

I just installed LibreOffice v. after using v. 3.6 for years. I updated because v.3.6 crashed (battery died) and when it was recovered, the copy and paste function didn’t work properly. When I pasted the copied formula into a new cell, the formula displayed with the correct cells, but didn’t recalculate based on the new cell values. I found if I changed the formula at all, even if I put the same value in after deleting one character, it recalculated. Thought there was something about v.3.6. crashing that caused it, so I installed v.
The new version is behaving the same way, probably because of a setting copied from the old version when the new one installed.
However, I can’t find the setting that’s corrupted, and I can’t find anywhere to d/l Help so I can access it without an internet connection.
I love LibreOffice - used it for 8 years+ - but I can’t use Calc the way it is, and I keep my books on it!

probably because of a setting copied from the old version when the new one installed

How did you do that or is this an assumption you made?

Have you checked option Data -> Calculate -> [X] AutoCalculate activated?


Data/Calculate/AutoCalculate is checked.
I didn’t assume that the new version was acting like the old corrupted version that had worked perfectly for years because something was copied from v 3.6 to the new prog as it was installed, I just held it out as a possibility.
I noticed something else just now, maybe this will hold a clue. I was trying to input a sequence of months in a column, and I typed the first two months, selected them and then dragged the lower right corner of the box several cells down, and when I released it, what was pasted was not the year sequence, but February, March, February, March etc. Also, the months didn’t autocomplete when I typed Feb, that’s all I got. I had to type the full month’s name. It’s as if the new version didn’t recognize Feb was a month spelled February.

Never had either of those problems with the old v.3.6. Never did those particular actions after the crash.


Also still looking for a way to download the help pack for v

I think it is because it is an old file type. What happens if you save it as a new file?
Otherwise you could try going into Tools | Options | LibreOffice Calc | Formula and under the heading Recalculation on File Load select the appropriate file type and change the drop down to Always Recalculate or Prompt User

Earnest Al : I think it is because it is an old file type. What happens if you save it as a new file?

All my spreadsheets are *.ods files, and the same failure to automatically recalc on data entry happened even after I saved it with a new filename. The first spreadsheet I noticed it happening with was a 2017 ods file, and the only one that it happened to using the old v.3.6.

Earnest Al: Tools | Options | LibreOffice Calc | Formula and under the heading Recalculation on File Load

Looked like a good suggestion, since the settings were to Never Recalculate, but it happens on files saved by the new v.

Interestingly, I had the occasion 2 days ago to add a new column in a 2018 spreadsheet using the new version (, and the recalc on data entry happened normally.

I’d like to NOT have to put the old spreadsheet that was open when the battery died side by side with the 2018 ssheet that works normally and the new v.6.3 ssheet and compare settings 1 by 1 but if I have to…


  • copy/paste is! buggy since years, normally you see! what’s going wrong, it doesn’t trigger ‘no-recalcs’,
  • reg. user directory, just install a ver. as ‘server install’,
  • it may / might be that you have ‘user defined functions’ somewhere in your sheet, they are known for update weaknesses, pls. check if you have any macro-functions in your table,
  • in some situations ‘late evaluation of cell formatting’ triggers problems like yours, if formatting and content are in conflict the interpretation will not obey the formatting until an - even unchanging - edit (touch) of the content,
  • versions from 4.2 are buggy reg. ‘autocalculate - shared formula’,
    pls. check:
  • does hard recalc (ctrl-shift-F9) fix the calculation? (‘no-recalcs’ will/may occur again, thus not a fix but a check),
  • is openCL or ‘calculate-threaded’ checked? (some flavours disappear without parallelized computing active),
  • how many identical formulas do you have in an uninterrupted stack?

providing a sample would help to check whether system or file or combination is to blame, but i assume it’s data which shouldn’t spread publicly,
anonymizing by changes to random strings will likely wash away the errors,
perhaps a shrinked file may still act buggy and can be shared, or a screenshot of a ‘safe’ area could help to imagine the situation …