Copy/Paste = Crash


I’m working on some exceptionally long odts (writing a big fantasy novel), and I have some documents for parts, and then one super document with all the parts pasted across.

Currently if I try and copy paste from one of my documents to another, just copying crashes everything. I’ve sent bug reports.

I originally thought it would be an issue of the clipboard being too full, but I emptied that, and it still happens. I then thought it was having all the documents open at the same time, but even when I have just the one I’m copying FROM open, it crashes before I can even open the next. Any insights appreciated! Thank you!

P.s. I’ve just opened a completely different, unrelated document, and I can copy paste from that, so it could be document specific.

You didn’t mention OS name, LO version and save format. Also some idea about your way of formatting text would be helpful.

I recently met documents where authors erroneously typed line breaks (got with Shift+Enter) instead of usual paragraph breaks (simply Enter). This seems innocuous to newbies but there is a huge difference. Line breaks don’t end the paragraph and you end up with a huge paragraph. It seems that internally Writer wants the whole paragraph available in memory. So if you are in this case, it could explain the crash.

Note that this line/paragraph break confusion is more prone to happen when you copy from web pages.

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Windows 11, current LO, and odt save format.

I have line breaks AND paragraph breaks, and some very long paragraphs. I have noticed if I copy and paste smaller chunks it works, but not the big section I need to move across in entirety.

Everything I am copy pasting is my own text, but there are some copy pastes from google translate.

It does seem to only be this one odt file though, and not any of my others.

P.s. it has now moved to other documents, and those aren’t necessarily using the same line breaks and paragraph breaks, seems to just crash when I copy paste anything now

Have you recently upgraded (OS or LO)? In case of OS being Windows, have you cold-rebooted after upgrade? This last step is often required to finish up things under W$.

I recently updated LO. One OS update recently I think. What is a cold-reboot?

To give you the illusion of fast start, Window$ does not stops and switch off your machine. It hibernates it so that it restarts very quick when you press the power button. You must explicitly request that it goes through all stop steps (saving everything to disk) before restarting. I think the “reboot” or “restart” command in the Start menu does it. So use it instead of the so-called “stop” command.

I see, so if I do a full shut down and then boot it up manually it should finish everything and the problems should disappear?

I don’t guarantee that all problems will disappear. At least, your system and apps will be clean and up-to-date.

Better to Start menu - Power - Restart because default for Power Off is hibernate (Fast Start) which won’t change anything.

You can disable Fast Start in Control Panel - Power Options.

Side note: you may get a full shutdown by using the Shift + Click on the StartMenu > Power > Shutdown icon.

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Thank you everyone! I’m going to give this a go now!

I start menu - power - restart, and the copy paste problem is still persisting :confused:

It is best, when you give version information, to paste from the Help > About LibreOffice dialogue box; it gives more information.

Try this, click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View and tick the box Force Skia software rendering. Allow LibreOffice to restart. Does the copy/paste issue still exist?

So, I’ll dig this out when I next get a chance, but I copy and pasted MORE than what I originally wanted to and this just worked, which surprised me. I was copy and pasting originally half way through a paragraph, so like @ajlittoz said, it could be a line break thing, and moving past it resolved the problem. I’ll send these deets over in a bit!