Copy/paste table into BEGINNING of new Writer document

Hi everyone!

Whenever I copy/paste a table into a new writer doc, there is always a space before the table, even when I try to paste it into the very top of the page, next to the page margin.
I can’t figure out how to remove this space/get the table to be pasted at the very top of the page, without any space between it and the top page margin.


The space is an empty line. On my Windows 7/LO 6.0.6 PC it is easily deleted by putting the cursor in it and pressing Delete.

This is easily seen if you keep the formatting marks displayed while you are working. Switch them on by selecting “View”>“Formatting Marks”. To set which formatting marks will be displayed select “Tools”>“Options”>“LibreOffice Writer”>“Formatting Aids”. Make sure that “Paragraph End” is among them.

I should have mentioned that it can’t be deleted for some reason… when I click into the empty line and press delete, nothing happens.
Perhaps it’s my old LO version.


Use drag & drop to copy instead of copy-paste…
