Copying "formula is" conditional formatting to other sheets

Question is regarding green colored conditional formating at the bottom of sheet titled 50<Robustness.
Copying small section ranges works ok on single sheet but is there a easy way to copy MAX formula to other sheets with different number of rows?
Rows in formula must have absolute values or it won’t work so when applied to other sheets, they get messed up. So if one needs to change row numbers in formula for each sheet then I guess it’s quicker to just pick max values manualy as I did in all other sheets and paint cell background. Is there any other way to do this that does not require absolute row value within formula?
Using this formula: E995 = MAXIFS( E$995:E$1000, E$995:E$1000, “>0” ) I was expecting to highlight max value if it is not 0. That doesn’t work, I wonder why?
Here’s the file:

a bit convoluted question(s) … :confused:

maybe upload (here) a simplified .ods to narrow down the questions one by one,

or go and discuss with AI about available options :wink: