copying frame content with mixed content

I use label templates. To date I have found no quick way to achieve what I describe below and worse manual copying often seems to “misbehave”. Not sure if this is because there’s something wrong, I don’t understand or it just can’t be done…

My labels typically consist of 1 image and text, wrapped right or optimally. …and any image is anchored to Character.
I use sheets of labels printed either in a laser or inkjet - depends on the type of label. I reuse sheets because I rarely print a full sheet. Typically I print 5 - 10 of each label and maybe 2 or 3 different labels.
Therefore I need to be able to manually place labels within ranges of frames in the template.

I reuse a lot of labels content i.e. I’m not often creating new labels. However as the number varies and the location on the page varies as described above I need an efficient way to copy and paste content both between documents and within documents.

The ideal way to achieve what I want would be to copy a frame that already has what I want and paste this across the range of frames I need to use but I haven’t found a way to do this. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

My current workaround is to copy a frame content multiple times manually, but there are two issues with this

  1. In order to paste into a “target” frame I have to select that frame (click it with a mouse as there seems to be no keyboard way of navigating from frame to frame) and then select all of it’s content and then paste.
  2. That is tiresome however I could live with it if it worked every time. Unfortunately, for some reason there are some frames where although I select all and the image is highlighted when I copy all the content when I come to paste the content, only the text gets pasted. I can find no logical explanation as all the label content was created the same way, just with different image content being pasted directly from GIMP. The result of this is that I have to copy and paste the text separately from the images.

Has anyone had similar experience with copying and pasting mixed content from frames? or… any suggestions as to other ways to do this.
