I’ve saved a document, without a backup unfortunately, and this morning the document file type has changed to “file”. It is only openable in Notepad, and is entirely gibberish. Is there a way to recover the document?
I’ve attempted to find a previously saved version to no avail, and have attempted to run it through OpenOffice Writer Recovery, but it has stuck on Analyzing ODT document for almost half an hour, so I’m assuming that this program cannot recover the text file.
I’m not terribly computer savvy, so I’ve not tried or understood any solutions beyond these.
Thanks for reading
I assume from the mention of NotePad you’re under Windows (which version?). LO version number? (don’t answer “latest” because it no longer means anything the second after you’ve updated)
Is your file stored on a USB stick or your hard disk? If on a USB key, did you remove the key from the computer before disconnecting it properly? Did you experience a system crash?
How did you assert that the file type changed to file? Have you tried to open it with 7zip or WinRar?
Answer by clicking on the Comment link. Don’t press Suggest a Solution because it is reserved for solutions precisely and this would confuse contributors or visitors.
I’m using Windows 11 home, version 23H2. I have not stored the file on a usb stick, it is on my hard drive. I did not experience a system crash.
When examining the file by properties, the only file type I found listed is File, which is consistent across through the properties and file explorer.
I have attempted to open it with 7zip, but it simply fails to open anything at all. I do not know the exact reasons for that failure. I hit open with 7zip, it loads for a moment, then closes.
This means the file structure has been damaged. Basically, an .odt file is a ZIP archive. Opening it with a ZIP utility gives you access to the various “components” like manifest, images, styles and text contents itself (with an XML encoding of the formatting).
If the file can’t be open, either the beginning of the file is overwritten, thus damaging the ZIP signature and header, or the archive catalogue at end is damaged or missing (in case of truncated file).
A recovery possibility is to use a salvage utility which explores the file system to find previous versions of your document. “Modern” filesystems operate on a journaling feature where files are written anew in “fresh” disk areas when modified, leaving behind them the previous version. These “dirty” copies are reused only when the disk runs short of free space (consider it a round robin approach). You have a tiny chance to recover your document, but be aware that the utility may hit on several false positives. Your chances are higher if your disk is not saturated.
Thank you. How do I access the salvage utility, and how do I tell if my disk is saturated?
I am under Linux. I have no idea about what is available under W$, but there are many because this problem is common.
Use your file browser to see how “full” your disk is. Compare used size to disk size. If this is ~50% or below, your chances are good. Above 90%, don’t hope much.
I am following the steps on how to repair the file using WinZip, but I’m stick at step 5, being "Enter the string of letters: “C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzzip” -yf zipfile.zip. ". I’m entering the command “C:\Program Files\WinZip/wzzip” -yf zipfile.zip, and I’m getting the error message “C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzzip” is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable progra or batchfile.
Is there another way to repair it using WinZip, or am I putting in the command incorrectly?
I’ve tried running the command without quotation marks, only what’s in quotation marks, and I still get the same message. I’ve also checked to make sure WinZip is in that spot, and it is.
Thanks for reading
My disk is abt at 70% saturation, so I’ll set my hopes accordingly
did you install it ?
Is WinZip command line different from the usual command line?
I haven’t uninstalled anything since getting WinZip
Thank you, will update