I am from Chile, my parents are Math Teachers and as the totality of those coworkers there is an only way to make doccuments: MS Word. So I told my parents about LibreOffice, then I installed Ubuntu for my mother’s computer and teached her (a little) to use LibreOffice. But… there is an inconvenient: my parents were born in the middle of last century and for make a test or a “guide” (I don’t now if it’s so well my traduction) is not simple to use “Formula” (Math) to do exercises; also (for me too) is difficult to IMAGINE exercises that you are writing at the same time you are writing those, use “commands” (as Latex) is not good for this, at less for my family (I’m studying to be professor too).
I think “it is so difficult make that “commands” that I write in formula for make, for example, a fraction, could be written automaticly from a graphical way (as in MS Word)?”.
Recapitulation: I want my parents will USE LibreOffice, and other teachers too. I think if don’t change “Latex” (similar) mode to write Equations in “formula”, it will be i’s so difficult to do.