Count based on a date range

I have 2 sheets - Summary and MIS-BUY.

MIS-BUY has column A where there are dates listed of a single month from rows 5 to 84

I want to count the number of entries that have dates between the 1st and 5th of the month and display that in a cell in Summary

I tried using Countif but keep getting either False or Err or 30/12/1899

Entry Count.ods (16.9 KB)

That’s great for you, but the helpers get nothing out of it.
Please upload a corresponding example file.
Thank you.

Sorry about that, attached the file (Entry Count.ods) to the original post

I have 2 suggestions for this.

Entry Count_2.ods (17,5 KB)


This is because your cells in Summary's column F are formatted as dates.
In addition to @PKG suggestions, Summary.F5 could contain


PGK!!! thank you so much, the pivot table solution is really awesome… im gonna try using that

thanks again

As as aside - how did you get the dates in the pivot table into weekly ranges?


I grouped (F12) the date column.

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