Count occurrences of a number in a base column

Hello, I’m looking for a way to count the occurrences of a certain number stored in another variable in a column of the table.
Maybe it sounds a little confusing but I can give an example:

forms = ThisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.getByName("MainForm")
idcar = forms.getByName("idcar")
idcartext = idcar.text                               'lets assume the value is 5

I have the table where this fields are linked, and the idcar repeats a lot of times, depending on how much pictures are stored in the table (it repeats because the primary key is the idpictures and not idcar). I would need a way to count how much times the number 5, as in the example, appears on the idcar column. So I could know how many pictures are linked to that car.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "the table" WHERE "idcar" = 5

should do this in SQL. The Guide for Base has lots of examples, how to send SQL via macro.
But considering your earlier questions you may prefer to “go” to every “register” and compare values…